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Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki

Head of M&K Laboratories Inc. |

Japanese Chemist Doctor


Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki, a Japanese Chemist Doctor from Japan conducted a series of systematic investigation to prove the magnificent medicinal properties of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in 2006. He discovered the presence of Beta-Cryptoxanthin in Buah Merah. Dr. Nishigaki came from the School of Medicine, Shinshu University of Japan. He is the head of M&K Laboratories Inc. in Japan.

Discovery of Buah Merah's Health Benefits

Discovery of Buah Merah's Health Benefits
Various doctors, scientists and even tourists from all over the world started flocking the mountainous regions of Papua once the word got out regarding the health benefits of Buah Merah. One of them was Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki (Head of M&K Laboratories Inc. | Japanese Chemist Doctor) of Tokyo, Japan.
Dr. Nishigaki from the School of Medicine of Shinshu University in Japan, discovered the miraculous healing benefits of Buah Merah. His research found out that the Buah Merah oil extract contains extremely high levels of a rare anti-oxidant called Beta-Cryptoxanthine which can strengthen the human body’s immunity against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Dr. Nishigaki also found out that Buah Merah significantly lowers risk of lung cancer. He presented the profiles of Buah Merah and Beta-Cryptoxanthin during the 1st Buah Merah Science and Business Meeting held at the Micron’s Head Office in Tokyo Japan on May 17, 2011.
He emphasized the safety and efficacy of Buah Merah for lung cancer, colonal cancer, joint pain, liver dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, virus infection, pms, osteoporosis and among others. It was also noted that Buah Merah might be associated with quenching ROS/RNS resulting in cancer prevention and possible treatment.
(1st Buah Merah Science and Business Meeting held at the Micron’s Head Office in Tokyo Japan on May 17, 2011)

Another scientist, Professor Elin Yulinah Sykandar, from the Pharmacy Department of the Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, also studied the anti-inflammatory properties of Buah Merah.


Her laboratory experiments have shown that Buah Merah contains inflammatory inhibition activities with performance as high as 97%, yet it does not pose any toxicity effect on the human body.


This research laid a solid proof on Buah Merah’s anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.


Buah Merah is recognized as a Functional Health Food in Japan and has been used by the Japanese consumers since 2006.

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