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What is Buah Merah Mix?

Buah Merah Mix is a healthy and refreshing juice drink, enriched with Natural Antioxidant (Beta-cryptoxanthin) that boosts the immune system. Fortified with 6 powerful natural antioxidants (Buah Merah, Barley, Mangosteen, Moringa, Wheat Grass & Guyabano), it is guaranteed organic, non-toxic and all natural.

Buah Merah Mix is Made from Synergistic Combination of Fruits and Green Superfoods


Nutrition Facts

Beta Cryptoxanthin, rich in Vitamin E and Pro – Vitamin A. Carotenoids include alpha and Beta – Carotene

Nutrition Facts

Annonaceous Acetogenins, Vitamin C, B1, B2, Potassium and Dietary Fiber, Acetogenins, Muricins, Annomuricine and Muricapentocin, Muricatocins A and B

Nutrition Facts

Phytonutrients (Xanthones, Catechines, Proanthocyanidins) rich in Iron, Fiber and Carbohydrates

Health Benefits

Energy booster, Boosts Immune System, Helps fight/prevent Diabetes Mellitus and Atherosclerosis, Repairs Damaged Cells, Reduce Risk of Cancer, Hypertension, Sexual Impotency etc.

Health Benefits

A Miraculous Natural Cancer Cell Killer, 10,000 times stronger than Chemotherapy. It has the ability to fight cancer cells, kill viruses, bacteria and parasites.

Health Benefits

Prevents diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease and other Chronic Diseases. Possesses Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Bacterial, and Anti-Oxidant Properties



Nutrition Facts

Natural Chlorophyll, Enzymes (SOD) over 90 Mineral, High concentrations of Potassium, Calcium, MAgnesium and Sodium, Vitamin A and C

Nutrition Facts

90 Nutrients & 46 Antioxidants, Vitamins (A, B12, B6, C, E & K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Chromium, Potassium), Rich in Fiber

Nutrition Facts

Enzymes (Fatty Acid Oxidase, Peroxidase Catalase, Cytochrome Oxidase and Transhydrogenase), Chlorophyll, Arginine (14.3mg/g) Procollagen Type IV.

Health Benefits

King of Alkaline Foods, Natural Antioxidant, Improves Blood Circulation, Anti-Bacterial, Faster Wound Recovery. It gives extra Oxygen to every cells.

Health Benefits

Miracle tree, Ultimate Super Food, Reduces Blood Clots and Bad Cholesterol, Protects Heart and Arteries, Guarantees Blood Oxygenation

Health Benefits

Reduces Blood Clots and Bad Cholesterol, Protects Heart and Arteries, Regulates Blood Sugar Level, Prevents Asthma, Ulcer, Myoma, Stroke, Ulcer, Arthritis, Frequent Urination


Why Drink Buah Merah Mix?

Gives Extra Energy & Improves Stamina
Boosts the Immune System
Fights Cancer Cells
Normalizes Blood Sugar Level
Detoxifies Toxins
Natural Cure for a Better Living

Health Benefits

100% Natural and Non-Toxic
No Side Effects
Can be Used in Long Term

Can be Integrated with Medical



Approved by Food & Drug

Administration of the Philippines (FDA)


10th National Product Quality Excellence Awardee for 2014-2015 | Q ASIA'S Seal of Product and Quality Service

Proven Safe and Effective

Since Buah Merah is the main ingredient of “Buah Merah Mix”, it is a rich source of natural Vitamin E and Omega 3, 6 & 9 that are important antioxidant to destroy “Oxygen Free Radicals” that attack our healthy cells.


The higher the level of antioxidants in our body helps to slow down aging process and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.


“Buah Merah Mix” is also a great source of carotenoids called Beta-cryptoxanthin, that helps boost the body’s immune system & prevents cancer, strokes, heart attacks, arthritis, asthma & other degenerative lifestyle diseases.


Rich Source of Natural Vitamins and Micro nutrients

Buah Merah Mix will help those suffering from:

Back Pain
Bronchial Problem
Thyroid Problem
Heart Problem
High Cholesterol
Urinary Tract Infection
Kidney Problem
​Liver Problem
Ovarian Problem
Poor Memory
Prostate Problem
Weak Body
Other Degenerative Diseases
IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please note however that Buah Merah Mix is NOT a medicine. Although it is proven effective by many individuals who tried using it to treat illnesses, it is not intended to replace any medications prescribed by doctors. It's "miracles of healing" is actually brought about by its capability to strengthen our body’s "Immune System" (a system of many biological structures and processes within our body)  which protects us against diseases and helps our body heal itself. The best way to prevent illness is to practice a healthy lifestyle and Buah Merah Mix helps you achieve it.
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