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Formulation of Buah Merah Mix

Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki

Head of M&K Laboratories Inc. |

Japanese Chemist Doctor


Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki, a Japanese Chemist Doctor from Japan conducted a series of systematic investigation to prove the magnificent medicinal properties of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in 2006. He discovered the presence of Beta-Cryptoxanthin in Buah Merah. Dr. Nishigaki came from the School of Medicine, Shinshu University of Japan. He is the head of M&K Laboratories Inc. in Japan.

Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki called up his friend in the Philippines, Ms. Jocelyn Alcasabas, a Professional Licensed Chemist, Owner and President of Lynx Nia Medica and Essensa Naturale.


He introduced to her the Buah Merah Oil Extract and its possible uses and applications. It didn’t take long for Ms. Jocelyn to come up with various formulations from cosmetics, to liniment pain reliever and a natural health drink that even enhances and utilizes the power of Buah Merah.


Thus, the Buah Mera Mix Super Anti­oxidant Natural Health Drink was introduced in 2012.

The makers of most trendy Health Juice Drink in the Philippines.

The one who discovered the essence in Buah Merah and the one who made it, our CEO Ms. Jocelyn Alcasabas(Chemist) and Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki a Japanese Chemist Doctor.

That's why we are so proud with our BUAH MERAH MIX juice drink. The one and only Buah Merah in the Philippines.

Basta Buah Merah, hanapin lang ang tatak Essensa Naturale.

We Promote an Organic Way of Living!
What made this formula unique was the infusion of other super anti­oxidants known to man and science:
Nutrition Facts 
Beta Cryptoxanthin, rich in Vitamin E 
and Pro – Vitamin A. Carotenoids 
include alpha and Beta – Carotene 
Nutrition Facts
Annonaceous Acetogenins, Vitamin C,
(B1, B2, Potassium and Dietary Fiber,
Acetogenins, Muricins, Annomuricine
and Muricapentocin, Muricatocins A and B

Buah Merah Mix Improving Health Conditions

No wonder this product “Buah Merah Mix” has created a lot of testimonies and a huge number of followers in just a short period of time.


It’s “miracles of healing” is actually brought about by its capability to strengthen our body’s “Immune System” (a system of many biological structures and processes within our body)  which protects us against diseases and helps our body heal itself.

Taking just two (2) bottle caps full every 30 minutes before meal can effectively supplement our nutritional daily needs that we no longer get from our regular diet.
But for those  individuals with illness, a large dosage is recommended depending on the seriousness of the disease. The big difference which makes the “Buah Merah Mix” stand­out among the rest of the supplements available in the market today is it’s immediate and almost instant effect in improving people’s health condition.

How to prepare Buah Merah Mix? 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please note however that Buah Merah Mix is NOT a medicine. Although it is proven effective by many individuals who tried using it to treat illnesses, it is not intended to replace any medications prescribed by doctors. It's "miracles of healing" is actually brought about by its capability to strengthen our body’s "Immune System" (a system of many biological structures and processes within our body)  which protects us against diseases and helps our body heal itself. The best way to prevent illness is to practice a healthy lifestyle and Buah Merah Mix helps you achieve it.
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Nutrition Facts
90 Nutrients & 46 Antioxidants, Vitamins (A, B12, B6, C, E & K) Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Chromium, Potassium) Rich in Fiber
Nutrition Facts
Phytonutrients (Xanthones. Catechines, Proanthocyanidins) rich in Iron, Fiber and Carbohydrates
Nutrition Facts
Enzymes (Fatty Acid Oxidase, Peroxidase Catalase, Cytochrome Oxidase and Transhydrogenase). Chlorophyll, Arginine (14.3mg/g) Procollage Type IV
Nutrition Facts
Natural Chlorophyll, Enzymes (SOD) over 90 Mineral, High concentrations of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and Sodium, Vitamin A and C
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