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BUAH MERAH is a plant in the pandan family. An indigenous fruit exclusively found in the Highland of Papua Island. Papuans call them kuansu. Indonesians call them buah merah (“red fruit”).


It has 16m height with free stand limp 5m until 8m height supported with rhizome at lower limp. Fruit shape is oval and its bud covered with fruit leaves. Red Fruit is 55 cm – 100cm long, 10cm -15cm diameter, and 2-3 kg weight. It has bright maroon red color.


Buah Merah has been consumed by Papuan tribes for years as energy and vitamin sources to reinforce their body against the harsh living environment. The fruit is typically prepared by splitting it, wrapping it in leaves, and cooking it in an earth oven.


About Buah Merah

(Pandanus Conoideus Lam)

Health Benefits of Buah Merah


Buah Merah’s extraordinary medicinal value has attracted great interest from worldwide researchers to study its health benefits . Buah Merah is a good source of carotenoids including ά and β-carotene, as well as β-cryptoxanthin. Many research studies had shown that β-cryptoxanthin is a key carotenoid which fortifies human immune system against chronic and degenerative diseases in modern life.

Buah Merah has the highest concentration of β-cryptoxanthin compared to other natural sources.

What does β-cryptoxanthin do?


β-cryptoxanthin is a class of pro-vitamin A compound in carotenoids. Carotenoids are recognized globally by researchers for its anti-oxidant properties for preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.


Carotenoids such as ά and β-carotene, as well as β-cryptoxanthin have the added advantage of being able to convert to Vitamin A. Many research studies had shown that β-cryptoxanthin is a key carotenoid which fortifies human immune system againstchronic diseases in modern life.

Other Benefits of Buah Merah


Buah Merah is a rich source of natural Vitamin E and Omega 3, 6 & 9 which are important antioxidant to destroy “Oxygen Free Radicals” that attack our healthy cells. The higher the level of antioxidants in our body helps to slow down aging process and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.



            " Buah Merah is a rich source of natural

              Vitamin E and Omega 3, 6 & 9.

"  Buah Merah is a good source of

    carotenoids including ά and β-            carotene,

   as well as β-cryptoxanthin.

 Modern research conducted by Shinshu University of Japan has shown that the oil extract from Buah Merah has extremely high level of β-cryptoxanthin to show its significant effect lowering the risk of lung cancer.
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